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Sunday, April 22, 2012

I’ve been a busy little bee….

Since returning from Hawaii I’ve been busy catching up with things I let slide in my excitement at travelling overseas for the first time in a very, very, very, long time.

I struggled with the reality of being back home and having responsibilities, although it didn’t take too long for me to adjust.

There is still this very strong desire to save and plan for the next overseas trip, but in the meantime I must get on with the everyday business of living.

Work is going well, with more hours this term, and my continuing weight loss journey (that I have not blogged about previously) is on track.  At first I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself, because I have been there done that before only to gain what I lost along with a few additional kg’s typical of yo-yo dieting!

I’m confident enough now to reveal I re joined Weight Watches at the beginning of November 2011, with the intention of losing weight,  my trip to Honolulu as incentive. My friend Carolyn and I are doing it together and helping and encouraging each other along the way.

To date I have lost 10kg and I am eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.  I feel the best physically that I’ve felt in a long, long time.  My old wardrobe is once again fitting and I am able to walk for an hour at a time, enjoying every moment, except those 15 minutes right before I walk out the door as I struggle to justify leaving all those chores until my return!  This is my most difficult challenge right now.

On the stitching front, I’ve done a bit of housekeeping…. I have a box of bits and bobs that I’ve put aside for future projects and last weekend I had the perfect opportunity to work on them.

P1050280 The scraps from The Carpenters Star blocks made three drink coasters.

P1050294 I have an obsession with pouches and pockets for storing my projects or tools and equipment, and these leftovers from a baby bag I made in 2010 came in handy for yet another to add to my collection.

P1050292 These fabrics leftovers were from the Breast of Friends quilt I completed a few years ago, that lent themselves beautifully to a couple of the Carpenters Ruler Snap pouches.

P1050293 I had sandwiched together this fabric leftover from The Bon Bon Bag I made several years ago to practice my machine quilting and a zippered pouch and a (purchased) snap purse emerged.

P1050284  This covered coffee bottle had a mate with a cupcake embroidery on the front but the mother of a friend of mine admired it when I showed it at our LPC so it went home with her.

P1050289  P1050295   
I practiced my machine quilting on this table runner made from fabrics from my scrap boxes.

P1050291 A pentagon ball completes to stitching for this week.

P1050281 P1050282

Brooklynn relaxing with a good book!

Today I have been scanning some old photographs that were scattered around the house in frames.  Not wanting them to deteriorate any further I thought scanning them was the best thing I could do.  These are just 3 of them.

Wanda Leonie & I 07 07 1996 My sisters Wanda (L) and Leonie(R) at my wedding in July 1996.

Jordan & Lean 22 04 1997 Jordan and Leah April 1997

Leah & Greg 28 11 1998 Leah and Greg November 1998.

Thanks for visiting,
Julie xxx


Luv 2 Sew Things said...

You are indeed the undisputed queen of sewing up a storm! Love the projects you've made and congratulations on your weight loss. You look as fabulous today as you did in 1996 at your wedding. That's an accomplishment to be proud of! xx

Anonymous said...

Cindy W
Love the pics you shared of Family and your Wedding.
But also love all the crafty things.
The rest of Mums Family also love her coverd bottle you so generously gave to Mum, Thanks so much Julie, very special. xx

Tammy said...

Good grief you have been busy getting caught up, sewing up a storm and a bunch of cute things!! I can't congratulate you enough on your quest to get healthy and fit - keep it up and I'm cheering you on!! Love the pictures you scanned. Hugs.

FlourishingPalms said...

You always have a great assortment of activities in your life... traveling, sewing, working, stitching, grand-baby time, and such. Good for you to be in WW. I know it's a program that works for many people. You can do it! What a beautiful bride you were! Gorgeous picture of you, and those of your family. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. I think you're wonderful.

Dianne said...

You certainly have been busy. Love your wedding photo and congrats on the weight loss. It is so hard to lose weight these days with so much temptation around, so well done!!

Sue said...

What a beautiful bride! Love all the little purses and projects.