Yesterday I started two new projects, both patterns bought using a gift voucher Greg gave me for my birthday last year, both patterns by Calico Farm Designs.
I was drawn by the simple designs and her use of colour....so much like the colours I like to work with.
I have only used fabrics from my stash, so I am very pleased with that. The first one, Box of Daisies has a matching cushion, all the fabrics are cut, the daisies Vlisofixed and ready for stitching.
The second one, Garden of Life has 16 Stitchery blocks, so far I have cut the fabric strips, the stitchery blocks and stabilizer, the next step is to trace the designs, ready for some relaxing stitching over the school holidays that begin Monday.
I do enjoy having a stitchery to work on while the TV is on at night too.
Now to explain my newest bag............
Over my early morning cuppa, I was reading the latest Handmade Magazine, and came across a bag that I instantly loved, so first thing, before I got dressed I cut the fabrics.
It is a very simple design, that made up quickly. I changed the handles a little to add Rigilene for firmness and a couple of internal pockets, I don't know about others, but I have to have internal pockets to help keep my handbag organized.
Now back to stitching Box of Daisies.
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